Ensure Quality of Structure

All About Stucco


Stucco is a material that is basically used as an outdoor plaster. It is a low-cost finishing that comes in wide variety of textures, colors, durability, fire resistant and strength. Stucco is applied wet and hardens when it dry.

Stucco is made of...

Earlier stucco was made of lime sand and water. However, modern stucco composes of Portland cement, hydrated lime, sand, water and some additives such as synthetic acrylics and fibers that will add to its strength and flexibility.

Stucco's Purpose...

Stucco is mostly used as a wall and ceiling coating and decorations. It is usually used to avoid cracking movements that may cause to molds growth and moisture that may lead to further structure damaged.

Stucco last for...

Stucco helps the structure to stay up in a longer life. It is a durable material that can take a lot of physical abuse, stands for any kind of climate and is very good in resisting abrasion.

Stucco Standard Application...

There is standard application of stucco it is in the manual named Stucco Manual or Portland Cement Plaster. This manual features everything you need to know about plaster and stucco. It is note of standards for the engineers and architects to take note in modeling any structure.

Repairing Stucco by yourself…

Yes, you can do stucco repair by yourself but you need to take note of how you apply it. Since wrong application of stucco can lead the structure to more serious damage such as bulging and cracking. Thus, it is advisable that you seek the help of Stucco Specialist or any Professionals that may able to help you in repairing it.


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