Ensure Quality of Structure

Kinds of Stucco Application

Stucco is a material used for the interior and exterior of the house. This is a type of coating which is proven to have a great durability and can withstand any physical abuses in the structure.

Stucco was used long years ago. Traditional stucco also known as masonry stucco is a combination of lime, sand and water while modern stucco or synthetic stucco composes of Portland cement, sand, water and some additives.

There are many types of stucco application and the two most popular are the hand and spray-on methods.

1. Spray on Application

Spray on is the best method for indoor stucco application. It uses a slightly lighter mixture compare in hand application.

The main techniques in stucco spraying are:

> Watch the structure you are spraying, wall or ceiling, and not the gun (stucco spray). This will help you see if you applied the stucco properly.

> Do not stay too long in one spot too avoid building up too much stucco on it.

2. Hand Application

This kind of application requires a more heavy mixture since hand application is usually done in the exterior of the house which are more expose to physical abuses.

The method of application really depends on where you will be applying the stucco. Stucco application can be done by yourself or you can hire a stucco expert to do this for you, since this is a level kind of work. Just remember, in stucco the quality of the material and the right application are the two essential things to avoid future stucco problems.


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